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    日期:2024年04月03日 13:14  点击:




中山大学理学博士,海南自由贸易港E类高层次人才,现为热带水产动物健康养殖与病害控制研究室骨干成员,参与国家现代农业产业海水鱼体系、海南省现代农业产业石斑鱼体系及国家自然科学基金面上等多项科研项目,在AquacultureVeterinary ParasitologyParasites & Vectors等期刊发表相关学术论文13篇,获得国家发明专利授权3项。







1. Zhong, Z. H., Li, H., Li, Z., Cao, J., Wang, C., Luo, Z., ... & Li, A*. Inhibiting thioredoxin glutathione reductase is a promising approach to controlling Cryptocaryon irritans infection in fish. Veterinary Parasitology, 2023. 109972.

2. Luo, Z#., Zhong, Z. H#., Li, Z., Zhuang, J., Li, H., Wang, B., ... & Li, A*. Galvanized material is a promising approach to control Amyloodinium ocellatum infection in fishes. 2023, Aquaculture, 740045.

3. Zhong, Z. H., Guo, Q. K., Li, Z. C., Wang, C. X., Li, H., & Li, A. X*. Galvanized materials induce oxidative stress in Cryptocaryon irritans by releasing zinc ions. 2022, Aquaculture, 557: 738304.

4. Zhong, Z. H., Wu, H. C., Li, Z. C., Guo, Q. K., & Li, A. X*. Using galvanized materials to control Cryptocaryon irritans infestation. Aquaculture, 2022. 548: 737659.

5. Zhong, Z. H., Li, Z. C., Li, H., Guo, Q. K., Wang, C. X., Cao, J. Z., Li, A. X*. Glutathione metabolism in Cryptocaryon irritans involved in defending oxidative stress induced by zinc ions. Parasites & Vectors, 2022. 15(1): 1-8.

6. Zhong, Z. H., Li, Z. C., Jiang, B., Guo, Q. K., Guo, Y. X., & Li, A. X*. Using red tilapia to control Cryptocaryon irritans infestations. Aquaculture, 2021, 541: 736763.

7. Zhong, Z. H., Jiang, B., Li, Z. C., Li, S. Y., & Li, A. X*. Quantification of parasite abundance: A novel method to evaluate anti-Cryptocaryon irritans efficacy. Aquaculture, 2020. 528: 735482.

8. Zhong, Z. H., Guo, W. L*., Lei, Y., Wang, F., Wang, S. F., Sun, Y., Hu, W. T., Zhou, Y. C*. Antiparasitic efficacy of honokiol against Cryptocaryon irritans in pompano, Trachinotus ovatus. Aquaculture, 2019. 500: 398-406.

9.钟志鸿,王菲,陈永贵,邓恒为,王世锋,孙云,陈雪芬,郭伟良*,周永灿*. 基于响应面法分析乌梅和抗生素对哈维氏弧菌的协同抑制作用. 南方水产科学,2018, 12.

10. Li, Z., Zhong, Z., Zhuang, J., Luo, Z., Han, Q., Cao, J., ... & Li, A. (2023). An experimental animal model of yellowfin seabream (Acanthopagrus latus) for Amyloodinium ocellatum infection. Aquaculture, 574, 739641.

11. Tang, J. J., Zhong, Z. H., Li, Z. C., Guo, Q. K., Li, S. Y., Guo, Y. X., ... & Li, A. X*. Quantitative detection of parasitic ciliate Cryptocaryon irritans in seawater with an optimized sample processing method. Journal of Fish Diseases, 2022. 45(5): 623-630.

12. Li, Z., Jiang, B., Zhong, Z., Cao, J., Li, H., Wang, C., & Li, A*. Skin transcriptomic analysis and immune-related gene expression of golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus) after Amyloodinium ocellatum infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2022. 128: 188-195.

13. Jiang, B., Tang, J. J., Zhong, Z. H., Li, Z. C., Su, Y. L., Li, W., ... & Li, A. X*. Copper alloy particles incorporated in coatings improve the surfaces of aquaculture tanks for controlling Cryptocaryon irritans infections. Aquaculture, 2021. 544: 737058.



