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    日期:2022年05月07日 20:47  点击:


课题组学术带头人路延笃博士、教授、博导(https://hd.hainanu.edu.cn/haiyang/info/1109/2711.htm)。海南大学学术委员会委员、九三学社海南省专委会委员、海南大学委员会委员。出版专著1部,参编2部,以第一作者或通讯作者Nature CommJACSAdvanced Science发表SCI收录论文30余篇;申请中国发明专利34项,PCT国际专利5项。主持国家重点研发计划国际合作重点项目、国家重点研发计划重点专项课题、国家十三五海洋经济创新发展重点项目、国家知识产权局运营服务体系建设专项、国家自然科学基金委等项目。因课题需要,海洋单细胞生物工程团队竭诚招聘讲师、国内外优秀博士后研究人员。




薪酬待遇:1. 年薪标准:全职博士后的薪酬待遇为税前(23+/年,包含基本工资、生活补贴和绩效津贴三部分。基本工资为全国博管会日常经费或海南省日常资助经费,现行标准为每人税前8万元/年(支持2年,具体标准以国家或海南省的最新政策为准);生活补贴由学校提供,每人税前15万元/年(支持2年)。2. 全职博士后可按规定通过学校向海南省申请租房补贴(现行3000/月,具体以海南省最新政策为准)。3. 海南省为博士后提供科研资助,包括研究项目资助(8万元/年,不设名额限制,可申请2次)和面上资助(5万元,以奖金的形式发放,须申报评审),具体以海南省最新政策为准。4. 全职博士后享受海南大学在职人员同比例的社会保险和公积金。学校为外籍人员购买来华人员综合保险(包含平安险、意外医疗、住院医疗)。5. 可参照海南省人才认定标准,认定海南省E类人才。6. 全职博士后在站期间,其子女入托、入学有关事宜,按海南大学在编教师同等待遇办理。7. 博士后在站期间取得的科研成果可按学校教学科研成果奖励办法申报奖励。8. 全职博士后在站期间可申请学校组织的专业技术资格评审。9. 考核优秀的全职博士后可优先考虑留校任教。

申报人条件:1、具有生物化工、分析化学、植物学、分子生物学、生物化学、生物工程、藻类学等相关专业的博士学位或即将取得博士学位;2、掌握生物化工、藻类学植物学生物信息学等相关实验技能,具有天然产物、光合生理和植物基因工程经验的有限考虑;3、具有独立开展实验的能力,较强的中英文写作与交流能力,在本专业国际期刊发表过研究论文; 4、热爱科研工作,实验能力强,具有较强的工作责任心和团队合作精神; 5、身体健康;6、一般不超过35周岁。

Call for Postdoctoral and Doctoral Programs

for International Students (no time limits)

Hainan Province locates on the southernmost tip of China and is the only Free Trade Island of China. Hainan University (HNU) is a comprehensive key university jointly administered by the State Ministry of Education and the People’s Government of Hainan Province. It is a leading university for science research and teaching of Hainan Province and was listed as one of China’s “211 Project” universities, one of the 14 universities in the “Midwest Universities Comprehensive Strength Promotion Project”, and a national-level key sponsored university in the “One Province, One School” project in the Midwest of China. In 2017, HNU was selected as the national “Double First-Class” Initiative to develop world-class disciplines. As an integrated institute of Hainan University, HNU has become one of the research and education centers in China.

Microalgae, with an estimate of almost one million species, are of great ecological importance, as they contribute almost half of the global organic carbon fixation. They provide a variety of natural products to support ecosystems (e.g., coral reef ecosystem) by photosynthesis with efficiencies approximately three times greater than those achieved by land plants. Domesticated microalgae hold great promise for the sustainable provision of various bioresources for human domestic and industrial consumption.

The main interest of Single-cell BioEngineering Group (SCBE) is the evolution, function, and editing of microalgal genomes and design of synthetic biology using microalgae as chassis, including (1) Characterization and engineering crucial biological process and value-added chemical in microalgae (Zhou et al., 2022 JACS; Lu et al., 2021 Nat Comm); (2) Development and application of synthetic biology in cell factory design for medical, industrial, and agriculture ends (Lu et al., 2021 Cri Rev Biotech); (3) the interaction mechanism between microalgae and other microbes and strategy development for heavy-metal remediation approach using these consortia (Ahamad et al., J Harz Mater 2019, 2018).

Lab homepage: http://www.scbioengineering.com/

Position 1: Responsibilities and description of the position: Discover and engineer new biosynthetic pathways in microalgae and plants for value-added chemicals.

Position 2: Identify natural compounds from microalgae aimed at the discovery of early-stage leads for the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries and their further development to Proof of Concept.

Requirements: PhD in Plant Biology, Microbiology, Biology, Functional Genomics, Microalgae, Biochemistry Engineering, Biological Chemistry, Analytic chemistry, Genetics or related field; Strong genomics and genetics background; Demonstrated experience in the identification and engineering of biosynthesis pathways of natural products from microalgae and higher plants; Experience in the tools and technologies from synthetic biology; Experience with biological datasets and next generation sequencing data; Skills relevant to the understanding of photosynthetic biology and plant genetic engineering would be advantageous; Excellent communication skills with a focus on teamwork and creating usable and accessible research tools.

Supports: the work is partly supported by 1)  the Intergovernmental Project of National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021YFE0110100; Functional Foods; 2021-2024); 2) the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021YFA0909600; Synthetic Biology; 2021-2026); 3) the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32060061; Photosynthesis of Marine Microalgae; 2021-2025); 4)  the Key Research and Development Program of Hainan Province (2019RC033; Environmental Remediation using Microalgae; 2022-2025)

Salary and Benefits: The annual salary range for this position is RMB230,000 with an additional house-renting subsidy 3000 RMB/month. Concerned insurances have been covered. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Generous benefits are included. Kindergartens and elementary schools could be applied in the university’s neighborhood.